Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Chapter 2: Video and reading connections

Name: Mollie Bower Class time: 12

1. Explain data mining:

Data mining is the process of gathering mass amounts of information from different websites that a person has accessed to analyze patterns. Data mining can be used to find background information on a person. This background information can include photos, credit card numbers, and also information that is not true. Joel Stein looked at his data mining and found multiple false accusations about him. Data mining is and invasion of privacy and does not always collect true information.

2. Relate data mining to privacy issues, specifically citing something you read in Baase, Orwell, etc.

Data mining has many privacy issues because it gathers mass amount of information to show patterns and new development of information. Privacy issues have been increasing due to social networks, Google, blogs and other websites that have information on account. Baase states that “A privacy-protecting default, from both an ethical and a legal prospective, could specify that the company may or may not store or use the information, beyond this immediate purpose for the search in a way that could disclose a person searches.” Baase’s statement explains that companies should include that the information you state will be used publicly and they cannot be accountable for public access of the information.

3. Explain Ashley Paynes’s situation:

Ashley Payne was a high school teacher that took a trip to Europe and posted pictures to her Facebook account. Not only did she post pictures to her account, but there were 10 of these 700 photos that showed her drinking alcohol. Also along with her Facebook photos she played a game called “Bitching Bingo”. A parent of the school emailed the principal in late August to discuss how unprofessional Payne’s Facebook was. When Payne was called into the principal’s office she did not know that any students could have access to her Facebook page because it was private to people who weren’t her friends. Payne was shocked that the principal gave her the choice to resign or they would further look into this case. Payne resigned because she did not want to have an investigation. After Payne had resigned she had followed up with investigating herself. Payne now believes that it was not a parent who emailed the principal, it was one of her colleagues that did not like her and wanted to get Payne fired. Payne now has a lawsuit out in the state of Georgia because she was falsely accused of being an unprofessional teacher.

4. Were Ashley Payne’s rights violated? Did the school district have just cause for asking for her resignation? Base your answers off of what you have learned about privacy, show connections to Baase, Orwell, etc and support your opinion.

Yes, Payne’s rights were violated because the school wasn’t even able to research further into her Facebook account and basically gave her an ultimatum to resign or she would be fired. The email came from an unknown email account that did not exist when Payne tried to look into the email. The school district should have asked her to resign; they should have looked at all possible problems. If there were major issues on her Facebook site then they should have asked her to resign. Payne should not have had to worry that her Facebook site would be looked at my parents and students because it was private. Although her profile was private people were obviously allowed to access it. In Orwell’s novel 1984 he writes “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU…” this statement means that even when you think your information is private there are still other ways to access it.

5. Summarize the video “Police surveillance cameras are stopping crime or invading their privacy by Alex Dunbar.”

The video "Police surveillance cameras are stopping crime or invading their privacy" by Alex Dunbar summarizes the fact that sometimes these cameras set up by the government can invade our privacy. Alex Dunbar does not agree with these cameras and thinks that they are invading his privacy. Although, these cameras can invade privacy there have been positive aspects to these cameras. A lot of crime in cities has decreased since the cameras have been put up. However, the cameras may take away some of our privacy, but in the long run mostly just protect our citizens. This video relates back to "Big Brother is Watching You" by George Orwell because in his book, he says big brother is watching you, which in whole could mean that society is always watching you.

6. Are police surveillance and traffic cameras are stopping crime or invading your privacy? Base your answers off of what you have leaned about privacy, show connections to Baase, Orwell, etc and support your opinion.

Traffic cameras somewhat invade our privacy, which many people do not like. Since the installation of these cameras have increased the crime rate has severely dropped. The more people think they are being watched the less likely they will be to do something against the law. Not only do these traffic cameras protect the roads we drive on from reckless drivers, but they also stop other crimes that could be going on in a neighborhood. In Orwell's story "Big Brother is Watching You", he emphasizes that someone somewhere is always watching you even if you think you are in privacy. This relates to the traffic cameras because there is a chance that you are being watched if you're walking or driving the streets. Surveillance cameras are a positive factor to our society, even if everyone does not agree. These cameras are able to protect us from crime, which can make our lives better and more safe.

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