Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Assignment #4: Critical thinking #2

Name: Mollie Bower Class time: 12
KEEP THIS TO 1-3 – PAGES LONG (excluding reference page)
Author: Levi Rickert
Date of Publication:
Book: Menominee Seventh Grader Suspended for Saying “I Love You” in her Native Language
Sections read:
1. (Knowledge)Tell three interesting elements of this chapter:

a. Miranda along with 60% of the students in her class were American Indian and spoke Menominee.
b. Since the Indian reservation was so close to Shawano, Wisconsin, teachers and coaches should understand and realize that students do know a different language.
c. The teacher should know her students and if she had thought that Miranda was threatening in a way she would have stated so before accusing her of saying a bad word. The teacher should know that the students know other languages and should not punish them for speaking that way.

2. (Comprehension) Summarize what is being discussed within this chapter?

Miranda was suspended and benched from her basketball game because a teacher over heard her speaking her native language. The teacher was not aware that she was only saying “hello” and “I love you”. Since the teacher should know her students on a personal level, since it is a Catholic school she should understand that students know different languages. The Menominee tribe is located six miles from Sacred Heart Catholic Academy. Since the tribe is so close to the school, teachers should know at least a few words of this language so they don’t accuse someone innocent like Miranda.

3. (Application)Name a specific example or NEW solution for this type of problem/similar situation in society or that you have experienced – be specific and explain?

A new solution to this problem would be to have an educational meeting and have the teachers learn some of the Menominee tribe language. If teachers and higher authorities learned some of the language teachers and students can avoid problems such as the one Miranda and her Mother dealt with. It is discriminating that like Miranda’s mother stated about there being a Spanish prompt answering machine you can chose from, but not Menominee. Since 60% of the schools population is American Indian they should offer an option of Menominee and not just Spanish.

4. (Analysis)Address ANY that apply. How can you compare one of the situations in this chapter to something that does not relate to computers, technology, or the Internet? Be sure to reference the chapter and your solution. What ideas NEW can you add to the issue that is being presented within the reading? Try to connect what you have by reading this article and how it applies to the stages in Bloom's taxonomy in 2 full sentences.

This article is discrimination of American Indian tribes. Students in school located six miles from the Indian Reservation spoke the native language of Menominee. Since this language is so widely spoken teachers and principals should at least be familiar with some words. The teacher discriminated against Miranda because the teacher believed that she was saying a bad word and then accused her of having a bad attitude.

5. (Synthesis) Address all that apply. Do you agree with what is being said within the article (Why/Why not? Back up with FACTS)? What new conclusions can you draw about this (or other topics) after reading this material?

This article is very discriminating and demonstrates the lack of trust teachers have for their students. Another teacher taunted Miranda even after she got in trouble the first time. The other teacher said she did not appreciate her getting the other teacher upset because “she is like a daughter to me.” The students were never told that they could not speak this language, which is why it was a shock to Miranda and her mother that she was being punished this way. The teachers should know that 60% of their students are American Indian therefor they may know a different language and teachers should be familiar with it.

6. (Evaluation) Address all that apply. Judge whether or not this topic is relevant in today’s society? Evaluate why you are viewing the topic in this manner based on your experiences. What ethical evaluations (see Chap1-1.4 for exp of Ethics) or decisions were made/can be assumed from this chapter? What new ideas will you make after reading this chapter?

This topic is highly relevant in today's society because it is becoming increasingly popular to know more that just the English language. Teachers at the Sacred Heart Catholic Academy should be proud that their students know a different language. In this case a student was punished for knowing more about something than her teacher did.

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